1.) Send out short tips about a topic covered on your blog and include a url to one of the posts. This is great because people who read your tips will be interested in learning more and many of them will click the link and visit your blog.
2.) Set up your blog posts to automatically post to twitter. You can do this with the wordpress blogging plugin called twitter tools or with the networked blogs application on facebook. The second one posts your blog posts to facebook and then also to twitter.
3.) See for people who are tweeting about the same topics your blog covers and follow them and then share specific blog posts with them.
4.) Use the twitter search feature at search.twitter.com to located people asking questions about topics related to your blog and then reply back to them by answering their question and referring to a blog
5.) Include your blog url as your website url on your twitter profile and include the link on your twitter profile background.
6.) Convert the content of some of your posts into audio and then share these audios with your followers via the audioboo application. People who may not read your posts, will listen to them.
7.) Do a search for lists on twitter. Find lists that cover topics you also talk about on your blog and then share your blog posts with the people on that list.
8.) Install the tweetmeme button application on your blog to encourage people to share your blog posts on twitter.
9.) Propose a share on twitter exchange with a few other blog owners. You tweet their posts and they tweet yours.
10.) Encourage your blog readers to connect with you on twitter. This increases the likelihood that they will come back and share your posts.