How to Make Social Technology Count in Your Workplace
Internet tricks
A friend, who was involved in developing early word processing systems (imagine a world without Microsoft Office or Open Office), was recently talking about the productivity-improvement claims made by proponents of word processing. I’m like WHAT decade are we in? Smiles. I’m GASPing for air. By moving offices and workers away from typewriters, Dictaphone machines and stenography, businesses were supposed to see huge productivity gains. Individuals would be empowered and secretaries (try finding a few of those today) would have time to work on projects of higher value to companies. There would be no reliance on White-out, steno pads or other mostly-dead products and everyone would be freed from the drudgery of office work. The payoff for companies? The holy trinity of time-savings, cost-reduction and ROI!
What really happened? We all – more or less willingly – took on responsibility for our own busy work, and a whole work classification was eliminated. There are no “secretaries” any more – Phew. There are a few executive assistants, reserved mostly for the V and C-suite. This is something my baby boomer friend regrets; early in his career he had a secretary, Jean, who could type 105 words a minute with no errors and take dictation at 90 words a minute. She kept his schedule, remembered everything, and shielded him from useless meetings and other distractions. Now he’s on his own, working without a net, like most of us, in a world where notions of value have changed. What gives?
We’re seeing a similar shift now in the world of work with social technologies and social media tools. From Yammer to wikis, talent management software and enterprise instant-messaging platforms like Salesforce Chat and Microsoft Lync, businesses are structuring a workplace where most interchanges are not person-to-person but are instead mediated by technology. This shift has been valued at upwards of $1.3 trillion by no less an authority than McKinsey , which studied the use and impact of social tech in four sectors: professional services, retail financial services, packaged goods and advanced manufacturing.
Not surprisingly, McKinsey sees a large percentage of the value of social tech coming from two sources: improved communications and collaboration. These benefits will be realized internally, as employees collaborate, and externally, as consumers interact with brands.
But value isn’t something you get by buying technology, closing your eyes and making a wish. Value is real only if it can be measured. Further, it’s arguably possible to extract value from technology only when your work culture understands and accepts the reasoning for adopting the technology, which requires employees to trust the company and its managers. Without trust, in other words, value cannot be calculated.
So leaders and employees unite and celebrate! Here are five things to put in place if you hope to extract value from social technology in your workplace:
1) Define what value means to your organization. For example, is there more value in social tech-mediated collaboration than there is in face-to-face meetings? In which circumstances or use cases is the statement true or false? At which employee grade is it true or false? Is your notion of value organizational (e.g., human factors), financial (e.g., measureable ROI) or process (e.g., time savings)? Create different timelines for each vector to see where you’ll experience a value bump first.
2) Create a value measurement methodology. If you’re measuring collaboration, for example, tie hard costs to it: less travel, less time to complete a task, more people on board with an idea or initiative.
3) Determine which tools, processes and policies support your definition of value, and which must be changed. Email may not support your definition of value in the above model, nor may in-person meetings. Processes designed to support building teams will need to be revised so teams can be constructed virtually among people who’ve never met F2F. Policies requiring performance reviews to be conducted by team members may need to be adjusted, and so on. This may requires a close look at many policies, which is time-consuming; factor that into your value equations.
4) Create a link between your notion of value and the value of employee trust. This will be tough, but one place to start is to create a value statement describing the organizational value of employee trust. Then look for the deltas in your model of the value of social tech. You may want to bring in an HR or organizational consultant to help structure the examination if you need help from the outside.
5) Socialize your expectations of the value to be realized from social technology. Poll employees to see if they buy in. If they don’t, you’ll gain not only understanding of why there may be resistance to using social tech tools, as well as a roadmap of policies and procedures which may require change for the organization to realize value from social tech.
We’re just beginning to see the disruptive effects of social technology and social media at large. Very exciting times in the world of work. Will it destroy whole job categories? It remains to be seen. Will it deliver value? I vote yes.
What about you? Is your leadership or employee style one the embraces parts or all of this?
how to increases 1000+ Likes of Your Status in Facebook
Computer Tricks
we are going to discuss how to get maximum number of like of your status (more than 1000+) and make your friend astonish.
Now You want to know how to get these many why to waste time lets begins...
so here i am providing you the tricks to do it.
This Can be Done Without Using Any Software Or Without knowing Any Programming Language just simple basics of internet browsing is needed.
Follow the steps in making 1000+ Likes in Facebook
step 1:
Go to your privacy Settings and change your Privacy Settings To Public.
Step 2:
Go here And Allow Suscribers :)
Now , Comes The main step in Making 1000+ Likes of Your Status in Facebook...
Just By Using Some of Auto Likes site :)
These Site Use your Access Token And provide you mass amount of likes with the help of others access Tokens.
Huge Collection of sites to perform auto like Trick in facebook <---Working <---working <----Working <---working <---Working <---working <---Working :)
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Use these Trick before Facebook Patches IT
Some of the Site must not be working as they are banned Or server must be down
how to Create or make Own Mobile Network That Actually Works
Computer Trick
A custom mobile phone network came to life in the middle of Def Con as hackers showed off their technology skills in tribute to the infamous gathering's elite "ninjas."
As odious as it is to start another article by mentioning the iPhone,
it's there we need to begin. People have essayed at length on the
effects the Apple phone has had on the handset market but there's been
just as an important by-product issue that's arisen at the same time.
With everyone rushing to O2 in the UK and AT&T in the States for
contracts when the iPhone was an exclusive, there began to growl low
grumblings about the quality of service that these networks were
providing. The grumblings grew to whingings and the whingings to some
fairly direct internet spleen venting which has only disappeared since the likes of Orange and Vodafone have offered an alternative.
Now whether or not these networks were particularly at fault, whether they were victims of their own success or whether the iPhone itself has antenna problems is another issue but the fact is that it's the first time since the mobile telephony took off that mass focus has switched back to call quality. So, then what are the key elements that make a mobile network perform properly and why is it that some operators are just better than others? If you're ready and sitting comfortably, then we'll tell you how it works.
Now whether or not these networks were particularly at fault, whether they were victims of their own success or whether the iPhone itself has antenna problems is another issue but the fact is that it's the first time since the mobile telephony took off that mass focus has switched back to call quality. So, then what are the key elements that make a mobile network perform properly and why is it that some operators are just better than others? If you're ready and sitting comfortably, then we'll tell you how it works.
The Core Network
At the heart of all the mobile operators sits the core network. It's a series of networked computer switches that have taken over the roll of the old school scenario of a women with thick rimmed glasses and her hair tied up circa 1920 plugging leads in and out of a board. Each switch has a number of set cell towers associated with it and when a call comes through, it's job is to route that call through to the right switch which is associated with the tower that happens to be nearest the person the caller is trying to get hold of. It does this by passing the call through the network from switch to switch using the shortest possible route.
In order to do this, the core network needs to know where all the numbers are at any one time so that it knows to go to the right switch to route the call correctly, so part of the job is to keep track of your mobile phone, and therefore you, wherever you go. Every time you move from the range of one cell tower to another, there are signals sent back and forth to make sure that the core knows where to find you. Another important function of the core is, of course, to charge you for making the calls in the first place.
Essentially, the core network is where all the intelligence in the system lies and when a network goes down, this is going to be where the problem is. Complications arise when the switches, or the connections between them, start to fail. Other switches can then re-route around the problem by taking calls via another pathway through the network of switches but that increases the traffic load on those other routes that can then lead to further problems and potentially more crashes.
On top of that there's also the problem that most networks have two cores - one for the 2G network and one for 3G. That's all very well and good but that can also lead to issues when switching between the two with calls being dropped and sleeping phones which fall off the radar altogether for periods of time.
So, if you want a core network that's going to offer quality, then one idea is to do something like Vodafone has done. The Newbury-based company has just completed a 3-year overhaul of their core to arrive on the other side with a single unified network dealing with both 2G and high speed data services as well. What's more, it's designed with the switches connected in units of pools of six. The idea is that it's a more stable structure with more interconnections that's also now highly scalable. So far, they're the only network in the UK to have done it adding more backing to their market position of service quality even if they might be surpassed in customer base by O2 and a merged Orange/T-Mobile.
Backhaul Transmission
A solid core is all very well and good but for a mobile network to really deliver, it has to be good from end to end. One weak link ruins the lot. So, to get the data safely between the core and the cell towers, you need a big, fat, bit-pipe of sorts. You can do that using microwave dishes sending signals from A to B over the air or you can hard wire the connections using copper or fibre. Naturally, you'll get a better performance out of a hard connection but then it costs a lot to lay all the cable. So how does a good network solve the problem?
Well, taking Vodafone again as an example, it's got round the issue by signing an agreement to use BT's already existing Ethernet connections which offer space for 60Mbps service. Vodafone doesn't have a 60Mbps system, nor are there any mobile devices that can use those kinds of speeds but the idea is that there's plenty of room for growth and absolutely no chance of a bottle neck in the backhaul system either now or in the near future.
Once you've got your connection choice sorted, what you really don't want to do, if aspiring to be a quality network, is to set it up such that your cell towers are all connected together in series of long daisy chains from your core network across the length of the country. Then all you need is one link up or tower to go and you can kiss goodbye to everything from Darlington to Dundee. Instead, you build in resilience by having you backhaul connections spreading out in rings with a series of failsafe loops and link-ups thrown in for good measure too. That should keep things nice and stable.
Cell Tower
The final link in your mobile network chain is the cell towers
themselves. If your customers are using substandard phones with
substandard built-in antennas, there's not a lot you can do about that,
except tell manufacturers if you're getting consistent complaints about
their handsets and, yes, this does happen.
Cell towers equal coverage and that's one of the first complaints your users might have. It's a fairly simple mathematic, the more of them you have, the better your coverage is. On top of that, there's also capacity to consider. Any one cell tower can only provide so much bandwidth for people to use.Eventually, if you've got too many people in one area trying to use the signal from the same tower, the load is going to become too much. Think trying to make a call, send a text or get online at a music or sporting event surrounded by thousands of others in the same place trying to do the same.
Cell towers equal coverage and that's one of the first complaints your users might have. It's a fairly simple mathematic, the more of them you have, the better your coverage is. On top of that, there's also capacity to consider. Any one cell tower can only provide so much bandwidth for people to use.Eventually, if you've got too many people in one area trying to use the signal from the same tower, the load is going to become too much. Think trying to make a call, send a text or get online at a music or sporting event surrounded by thousands of others in the same place trying to do the same.
So, to build a good network, you not only need lots of towers spreading
out all over the UK with all the backhaul to connect them up but you
also have to pack them into urban areas as well. If you're really smart,
then have a battalion of movable cell towers as well which can be used for special events to try to alleviate the classic half time
problem at football games and such. You'll also need some pretty
creative solutions when something as big as the Olympics or the World
Cup hits town.
You've also got some decisions to make. The mobile network in the UK
works at two different frequency groups. The first is 900MHz and the
second 1800MHz and you can deploy masts working at either one. The issue
is that 900 has a longer wavelength which means that its signal can
travel further and with greater penetration through buildings and other
objects but it's the 1800 frequency that delivers all the high speed 3G
data traffic.
The temptation is to save the 900 towers for the countryside where
you're looking to cover as much ground as possible and keep the 1800 for
the cities where you're more worried about capacity. Unfortunately,
that's why you don't get much 3G in rural areas and that particularly
thick buildings in towns can sometimes block your signals. So, there's a
bit of a balancing act if you want to get as best for the average user
as possible.Beyond that, the amount of spectrum you have and whether it's in one big block or several chunks makes a big difference for capacity and ultimately speed of service too. Although the frequencies are referred to as 900MHz and 1800MHz, they actually represent a range between 890MHz or so and 910MHz or so and likewise for the band of 1800. The mini spectrum is then divvied up between all the operators.
To make sure that your chunks don't get any interference from the other
networks with neighbouring chunks of their own, you have to devote the
outer portions of your allocation to dead zones of around 100KHz known
as Guard Bands which simply act as buffers. Now, that's bandwidth that
you might rather be using to carry your signals.
So, if you're lucky enough to have just one large piece of spectrum, then you only have two of these - one at either end - wasting just 200KHz. If you have lots of smaller sections to manage, then you're going to use up a lot more, and what that boils down to is less capacity at each site which translates to less speed per given number of people trying to use it. This was one of the major competition issues of the merger between Orange and T-Mobile. Once together, it offers larger sections of this sought after contiguous bandwidth, making it increasingly hard for others to keep up but also an interesting choice for mobile broadband users looking for high speed access.
So, if you're lucky enough to have just one large piece of spectrum, then you only have two of these - one at either end - wasting just 200KHz. If you have lots of smaller sections to manage, then you're going to use up a lot more, and what that boils down to is less capacity at each site which translates to less speed per given number of people trying to use it. This was one of the major competition issues of the merger between Orange and T-Mobile. Once together, it offers larger sections of this sought after contiguous bandwidth, making it increasingly hard for others to keep up but also an interesting choice for mobile broadband users looking for high speed access.
Now next time you get annoyed with the reception on your phone you might
have a better idea of what's going on. If you're getting dropped calls
or generally not so hot service wherever you go, there's a good chance
that your provider could do with updating its core network.
When you lose the signal in the basement or the kitchen of your town
house, there's a good chance that you're working on a 1800MHz cell
tower. The real key to having a perfect network though is for all three
of the areas above to be put together with care, attention and probably lots of money as well. It has to be an end to end solution otherwise one issue will ruin the whole chain.
After that, you have to hope that your quality network has some cash left to ensure access to the top mobiles as well. Either that or it's one of the best reasons to buy the phone you're after out right and go SIM-only on the operator who gives you the best service.
After that, you have to hope that your quality network has some cash left to ensure access to the top mobiles as well. Either that or it's one of the best reasons to buy the phone you're after out right and go SIM-only on the operator who gives you the best service.